Many people have stopped by and told me that they are not drinking as much tea during the summertime. What? How can one stop drinking tea?
A good iced tea is one of the best things to help quench the thirst and it's so refreshing!
A good iced tea is one of the best things to help quench the thirst and it's so refreshing!

For the July 4th BBQ party(it was hot in Seattle that day), I made two iced teas and nobody asked for soda or other drinks like that. Really delicious! Here are the recipes:
Jasmine Tea Lemonade: For one glass of lemonade, use one full tablespoon of honey (mix it well with hot water first) and about an ounce of lemon juice. Mix them well with pre-brewed Jasmine Green Tea and pour the mixture over ice. It's a great drink!
Cranberry and Oriental Beauty (AKA Cranberry Beauty): Use a handful of Oriental Beauty Oolong for about one gallon of water. Cold brew the tea overnight. It's very yummy just the way it is. But if you want to add some flavor to it, mix the tea with some cranberry juice (you might want to add sugar to this because cranberry juice can be very tart).
Both of the iced teas are delicious and one can taste all the ingredients, especially the tea! We carry a special higher-roast Oriental Beauty that was made especially for iced tea.
If you want something more simple, just brew some Dragon Well or Silver Needles and pour the tea over ice. It's so refreshing!
What I like about these recipes is they're some of the more natural ones I've seen so far. I'd like to give people a recipe a lot like this Jasmine one that's cold-brewed green tea in not only water but also juice squeezed from a lemon. That's natural and from the whole food. I do want to try doing some cold-brewing like this in the refrigerator. --Jason
I'm not a big iced tea drinker, and I know I'm losing all tea cred by posting this at all.... but I did finally try the cold-brew method that a lot of people are raving about, and I have to say, the results are good tasting.
I infused 5g of Taiwanese red (black) tea in I dunno.. a few cups of water, left it in the fridge overnight and then some, and then strained out the leaves. As promised, you don't get all the nuances of the tea, but you also don't get really any bitterness or astringency.
I don't think it's going to convert me from drinking hot tea, but it's a nice drink to have on hand for a hot day.
Iced tea is not going to convert me from drinking hot tea neither. But once a while, iced tea do hit the spot.
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